How MyCAA Funding Works

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What is the MyCAA program?

The My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship program, a component of the Department of Defense’s Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, is a career development and employment assistance program. The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship helps military spouses, who have successfully completed high school, pursue licenses, credentials, or associate degrees with a specific concentration or major to pursue an occupation or career with transferable and portable skills.

Who is eligible for MYCAA funding?

Yes, if you are married to a service member on active duty in pay grades E-1 to E-5, W-1 to W-2 and O-1 to O-2 who have successfully completed high school or earned a GED and have the ability to request tuition assistance while their military sponsor is on Title 10 military orders. And spouses of members of the National Guard and reserves in the same pay grades are also eligible! 

Even if you are employed, eligible spouses can use the MyCAA funding for coursework and exams that lead to employment and career advancement in one or more career fields and occupations that require a license, certification or associate degree. 

Even if you already have an advanced degree but want or need to take coursework leading to a recognized credential allowed by the MyCAA program, you can use the funding to continue or advance your career and employment. 

MyCAA program funding can be used to pay for tuition for associate degrees and examinations leading to a recognized license or industry certification that align with the eligible spouse’s career goals. 

How much funding does MyCAA provide?

The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship provides a maximum tuition benefit of $4,000 with an annual fiscal year cap of $2,000 to assist eligible military spouses who need professional credentials to meet their career goals. Annual cap waivers are available for licensure and certificate programs if there is an upfront tuition cost that exceeds $2,000, up to the maximum education benefit of $4,000!

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